
Best Cheap TC Electronics VoiceTone Create XT Vocal Effects Processor Online Shop

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TC Electronics VoiceTone Create XT Vocal Effects Processor Features

  • Front-of-house-quality reverb algorithm from VoiceLive 2
  • HardTune for live, auto-tuned vocal effects
  • The Tone button that polishes and smoothes vocals with adaptive Live Engineer Effects

TC Electronics VoiceTone Create XT Vocal Effects Processor Overview

Now you can get those "ear candy" vocal effects that producers call on every day to create hit tracks. VoiceTone Create XT improves on the original Create by incorporating HardTune (used by artists such as Tpain and Kanye West) and the rich, front-of-house quality reverb from its famous big brother, VoiceLive 2. We've also made Create XT easier to use with individual on/off buttons for the effects blocks, new tweak controls, an input for an optional Switch3 footswitch and more.

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