
Discount Danelectro D-2 Fab Overdrive Effects Pedal Online

you looking for low-priced Danelectro D-2 Fab Overdrive Effects Pedal?

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Danelectro D-2 Fab Overdrive Effects Pedal Specification

  • Overdrive
  • Gain Level Knob
  • Overdrive Level Knob
  • Realistic tube overdrive
  • Responsive and Versatile
  • Level, Tone, and O.D. (Overdrive) knobs

Danelectro D-2 Fab Overdrive Effects Pedal Overview

History was made in 1975 when a mom and pop store in California commissioned the production of just 200 of what is perhaps the best overdrive effect ever. Unlike any other device, that pedal authentically simulated the breakup that occurs when a tube amp is run at full volume. You will occasionally see an original in the stage rig of a major artist. If you could find an original offered for sale, best to sit down before inquiring about the price. Danelectro puts this classic effect in your hands...without damage to your financial portfolio.

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