
Buy Pyle-Pro PPDLD3 Super Guitar Effect Delay Pedal With Delay Time, Feedback, And Level Controls Online

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Pyle-Pro PPDLD3 Super Guitar Effect Delay Pedal With Delay Time, Feedback, And Level Controls Specification

  • Delay Pedal Creates An Unbelievable Sound, Allowing You To Create Rich Guitar Textures Adjust Delay Time, Feedback, And Level Controls For The Exact Sound You Want - Output Impedance: 10K?
  • Adjust Portamento From 12.5 To 300 ms - Current Draw: 12ma(DC 9V)
  • Normal Input Level: -20dbu - Residual Noise: -105dbu (IHF-A, Typ.)
  • Input Impedance: 1M? - Controls: Pedal Switch, Effect Level, F. Back Knob, D. Time Knob
  • Normal Output Level: -20dbu - Power Supply: DC 9V; Dry Battery (6F22/9V), AC Adaptor

Pyle-Pro PPDLD3 Super Guitar Effect Delay Pedal With Delay Time, Feedback, And Level Controls Overview

Create supremely rich textures with this professional guitar distortion pedal. Drop a hot lick of plangent soup, churn your cream to butter, or just get wet. Use the time, feedback, and level controls to get your exact sound. Requires a 9V battery or AC adaptor.

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