
Best Cheap Dunlop The Original Crybaby Pedal Web Store

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Dunlop The Original Crybaby Pedal Features

  • Heavy Die Cast Construction
  • Powered by the Dunlop ECB-03 AC Adapter (not included) and/or 9 volt battery
  • Dimensions: 10" x 4" x 2-1/2"
  • Weight: 3.7 lbs.
  • Color: Black

Dunlop The Original Crybaby Pedal Overview

The Dunlop Crybaby is the original - the one that created some of the most timeless sounds in rock. When people talk about wah pedals, they're talking about the Crybaby. Relied on by Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, David Gilmour, and many other greats. Features: Heavy die cast construction for years of reliability, 100k ohm Hot Potz potentiometer that allows for that quick, abrupt wah sound. Powered by the Dunlop ECB-03 AC Adapter and/or 9 volt battery. The Crybaby has been a standard in the world of music since its introduction in the late 1960's. Its rugged construction and efficient design will give years of outstanding performance.

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