
Best Buy T-Rex TONEBUG-SUSTAINER - Tonebug Sustainer Effect Pedal Online Shop

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before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells T-Rex TONEBUG-SUSTAINER - Tonebug Sustainer Effect Pedal and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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T-Rex TONEBUG-SUSTAINER - Tonebug Sustainer Effect Pedal Specification

  • Comp knob to sqeeze tone
  • Attack Switch
  • 9V DC

T-Rex TONEBUG-SUSTAINER - Tonebug Sustainer Effect Pedal Overview

The Tonebug Sustainer delivers one of the great holy grails of classic rock music - a guitar that sings like a violin, with single notes, chords and feedback tones playing on and on, until you tell them to stop.Powered by an optimized compressor, an auto-gain function and a simple set of controls, Sustainer gives you exactly what you need to add sustain to any sound, clean or distorted.

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